Sunday, April 9, 2017

Canada - A Promise Fulfilled

April 9, 2017.
Hello, Canada!
It was just last November when I wrote my first blog post.
I wrote about my life testimony. 
As I re-read the part I wrote on my Calling, about how God has called me to come to Canada and join a YWAM school through the OneThing PH Conference last May, I sit here amazed.

Wow, I am in Canada right now as I write this.

I arrived here about 3 weeks ago (March 18) and it was only 4 days ago that I found out I was actually going through a mild culture shock!

Don't get me wrong, Canada is amazing! I love everything about this country, (except the bipolar weather which I will eventually get used to in time lol) but there is just something about taking the time to evaluate where you are holistically as you transition into an entirely new environment (and country), and it took me 19 days to realize what was really going on. 

Now I can freely write again and it's the best feeling ever!
Thank you Jesus!!!

This week we just finished our Pure Heart week and it had been really intense.
God means serious business when He said He wants to restore us to be more like His Son.

The Apostle Peter wrote from his personal experience too,
"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself RESTORE, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." (1 Peter 5:10 ESV)

Restoration means a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition.

So if God wants to restore us, does that mean something was taken from us?

Ding ding ding!
Yes, you got it right!
Satan, in all his jealousy, knew who we were. So he distorted everything from the beginning of time; before we were even born. He tricked Eve to eat from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and we were forever condemned by our sin. But Jesus came to save us from that and now we are set free! (If we accept Him as our Lord and Savior)

You can't imagine how much freedom I have right now from this week!
As insane as the process was to be where I am right now, the freedom it brings is also insanely worth it.

Here's a wacky photo of the team after balling our eyes out for most of the week.